business email

Time To Switch To Dedicated Business Email?

Why It’s Time to Switch to a Dedicated Business Email

Effective, efficient email communication is essential to running a business. From sharing important information internally to contacting prospective clients and existing customers, no new messaging software or application has been able to replace the power and simplicity of email.

So if that’s the case, why are so many businesses still not using a dedicated platform for their business emails? Most are simply doing what they’ve done for years, and that’s no reason to hold on to an inefficient business process.

By switching to a dedicated business email platform, you’ll be able to harness increased power and functionality for your business that will boost efficiency, reduce time wasted, and increase your ability to collaborate with members of your team and communicate with key clients and customers.

With that in mind, here are some of the key reasons why you should switch to a dedicated business email platform today.

Free Yourself from Server and Email Downtime

Web servers that aren’t suited to handling business email are prone to downtime. Imagine hours or even an entire day where your entire business is unable to access emails from clients, customers, vendors, employees, or other vital contacts? The results could be devastating. A dedicated email server can help you avoid disasters like these.

Move Beyond Email Forwarding

Email forwarding is often used by new businesses, but it’s not a permanent answer to your business needs. Most businesses ultimately find that the lack of features and less-than-stellar performance leave them wishing for a stronger solution.

Avoid the Hidden Dangers of SPAM

When it comes to your business, SPAM isn’t just a nuisance— it can be dangerous to your bottom line. Receiving too much of it can block up your server, and it might even result in your company being blacklisted. That means you won’t be able to send or receive email until the issue is cleared up. A dedicated business service is designed to block SPAM effectively and efficiently.

They're fantastic, wish I would have started using them sooner!
Michael C., Memphis, TN

Access Powerful Business-Centric Tools

One of the most powerful benefits of business email is that it’s designed specifically for businesses—which means it offers the tools and functionality that businesses need most. Everything from shared calendars and built-in chat tools can help you work smarter and communicate better within your company and externally.

Business Email Security Boost

Security for your business is essential, but non-business email servers aren’t built to handle the unique security needs of your company. A dedicated business email platform is the only way to ensure that your company will remain safe, secure, and protected from hacks or other dangers.

The Worldtech Email Solution

Worldtech Management Services offers a world-class managed email platform designed to solve all of these issues with a single, robust product. From reducing server downtime and reducing SPAM-related issues to offering powerful business tools that can transform your business, we’re the trusted providers of one of the world’s most dependable email platforms.

Ready to find out how Worldtech Management Services can transform the way your business does email? Get in touch to learn more.

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